Aranmanai Siruvayalil

I noticed that an un-planned activity is the most successful and graceful result yielder. Have you ever noticed that? It can be a trip or treat or function or playing games with friends. We will go thru a situalion like standing in a dead-end and no one knows how are we going to proceed... but, we will proceed and get something best out of it :-). I think, We pursue the course that our judgement and conscience dictates us on the fly.
So no one really knows how we go (reality speaks) ;-) This applies to life too.... Take life as it comes and get the best out of it :-)
I just came to know about this interesting term called Jaywalking. It used to describe when a pedestrian crosses the street without regard to traffic regulations. In common use, the term generally refers to someone crossing a busy street outside of a designated crosswalk.
Obey rules and Walk safe :-)
A rubber ball always bounces back, in a similar manner, one needs to analyse the cause of disappointment, identify the problem, draw up a solution and bounce back to beat the disappointment in it's face.
Cool theory isn't it? NEVER EVER GIVE UP!