A Nano Step For Knowing The Unknown

My home planet earth is part of a cluster of planets and orbits the sun.

The sun is part of a cluster of stars.

This cluster of stars orbits the milky way galaxy or spiral galaxy. The milky way is part of a cluster of galaxies.

This cluster of galaxies called the super galaxy.

The super galaxy is part of....... This is called the universe.
The creator of this universe created all these planets, stars and etc, etc, just for us (earthians)? Isn't it too much?
Thinking in this direction lit up the question "Are Aliens out there?". Who knows there may people be living in Andromeda Galaxy(2 million light years from earth) which is the nearest to us.
Finally, I ended up in Dr. Frank Drake's equation while trying to find out the information about (this unknown) life beyond earth.
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