Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Monitoring/Managing different things

A month ago, I was in a deep thought about monitoring things that we are using in our day today life.
How cool?? if we switch-on and set a comfort threshold level in heater or AC at home before leaving from office (Yes, through internet - from remote) . I am sure this is possible using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) . All we need is the following at home.
SNMP Agent/MIB support for Heater/AC
Ethernet support for Heater/AC
Client Web interface for Heater/AC
At the office end or Manager end, all you have to have is that a browser with internet access and an utility to execute SNMPSET. All the set operations like switching-on the device (heater/AC) and setting thresholds can be done through SNMPSET from remote.
Also, SNMPTRAPs can be sent to specified mobile phones or e-mail addresses if there is a problem with Heater/AC.
If UPS Monitoring/Management is possible using SNMP, why can't we Monitor/Manage other devices like AC, heater, and Coffee machine :-)
Just my thought for appyling technologies to make our life simpler.


Blogger vinodantony said...


First of all congrats for starting to blog! Kalakitte!!

The postings look impressive so far & intha monitoring ideavum superaa irukku.

Blogaaave start pannitaya!

12:21 PM  
Blogger CVA said...

Thanks for the comments Vinod :-)

3:46 PM  
Blogger CVA said...


Thanks for the information. I am glad that there is a solution already in place.

X10 is a protocol like SNMP. Looks like they are internally using X10 protocol to communicate with the devices and developed an application on top of the protocol stack. It is not just a plain app.

11:37 AM  

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