Monday, March 27, 2006

From a Hacker's Perspective

It is almost 5 years, I am out of touch and its time..I decided to refresh my hacking techniques. So ordered a book(Network Security: A Hacker's Perspective) and started reading it. This book has basic information about network security tools.

Once I am done with this book... thinking of buying the following books of Kevin Mitnick

The Art of Intrusion
The Art of Deception

One should think in security perspective when he/she runs their server on the internet. I guess, I reached that stage now. So I am here and wanted to protect my servers from attacks.

Always think from a hacker's perspective, find the security issues and fix them... this is one of the best approach I learnt.


Blogger Badri said...

nice way of approach.

8:46 PM  
Blogger CVA said...

Hi Netcraze,

Thanks for stopping by...


4:50 PM  

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